Family Dentistry

A Family dentist is a common dentist who treats the dental needs of every family member, irrespective of their ages. In simpler terms, a family dentist is well-trained to handle all types of common oral concerns, making them highly versatile. At Sunset Oak, Dr. Felahy emphasizes the importance of regular dental consultations and maintaining optimum oral health. This is where a family dentist can be of great help.
What are the treatments offered by a family dentist?
Oral cleaning: Removing the adhered plaque and tartar deposits from the surface of the teeth and the tooth roots are crucial in ensuring optimum oral health. It also prevents cavities and gum diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis. We perform oral cleaning through scaling and root planing.
Fillings: Cavities are quite common and predominantly caused due to tartar deposits. We restore cavity-infected teeth by removing the decay and placing a suitable filling in it. In recent years, the most commonly used filling material is dental-grade porcelain and composite resin.
Cosmetic dentistry: Some of the cosmetic dental procedures we offer are teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, and composite bonding. Some of these procedures not only improve the aesthetics of your smile but also restore the teeth to their ideal structure and functionality.
Oral restorations: We offer oral restorations such as dental bridges, crowns, implants, etc. Most of our restorations are made from dental-grade ceramic, as it offers excellent strength, durability, longevity, and can be customized to mimic the appearance of the natural teeth perfectly.
What are the advantages of choosing a family dentist?
Ease of scheduling appointments: When all the members of your family visit a common family dentist, scheduling appointments becomes effortless and convenient. In fact, you can schedule a single appointment and get the routine biannual consultation conducted for all your family members.
The benefit of familiarity: When you start visiting the family dentist a few times, the dentist will maintain a well-updated record of your oral health. Also, children would feel a lot more comfortable during the treatment due to the benefit of familiarity.
One-stop destination: Visiting a family dentist acts as a one-stop destination for all family members. No matter what the oral concerns are, the dentist will help to treat it effectively while moderating your oral health regularly.
At Sunset Oak Dental, Dr. Felahy is the best family dentist who serves in the areas including Rocklin 95765, Roseville 95677, Lincoln 95765, Penryn 95663, and Loomis 95650 in California. Call our office at (916) 435-5111 to schedule your dental appointment with our family dentist in Rocklin, CA, and get the best dental care.